Clockwork (non-trades) Instructor Portal:

Welcome to the Instructor Portal.

Your students registered with CAL who are seeking academic accommodation in your course share their accommodation letters with you on this secure system. 


*New for an upcoming term:   You’ve asked for it, we’ve been working on it!  Expected in a future term, accommodation letters and accommodated exams bookings processes will both live within this system.  Students will make their booking requests to write their accommodated tests and exams with CAL through the student side of the portal and you will be able to view, confirm and provide information to CAL about your exams through the instructor side.  When using the instructor portal for exams information, you will be able to expect less email back and forth with the CAL exams office as one of the positive results.  Stay tuned for more information...


Please click the Courses or Accommodation Letters button in the menu to get started.

If you are not already signed in, you will be asked to login using your Camosun College single sign on account.

To sign out of the Instructor Portal, please completely close down your web browser.


Instructor FAQ:

Is there help information available showing the steps of using Clockwork?

CAL has developed video instructions to assist course instructors on the steps of using Clockwork to access accommodation letters.

Another video tutorial (TBA) is in the making on the steps of for reviewing and providing accommodated exam information through Clockwork.

The instructor portal web page doesn’t look like the Camosun standard. How do I know this is legitimate and secure?

The ClockWork software vendor has created a simple interface so it remains compatible with as many post-secondary student information systems as possible, and to ensure the system is accessible to screen readers.We are unable to change this aspect of the software. The system is encrypted and relies on your secure college authenticated login supported by ITS.

In the courses list in the instructor portal why don't I see all the courses I teach for this semester?

If you don't see a course in the list it, means that there are no students registered with CAL in that course at this time.

I am a course instructor responsible for teaching a course as noted in myCamosun. Why has my program leader received students' letters of academic accommodation for my course and I have not?

Academic leadership in some departments have decided that due to the specific way that courses and/or programs are structured, the program leader will receive and coordinate academic accommodations details. Please reach out to them if applicable.

Will Clockwork notify me each time one of my students shares a letter of accommodation with me?

The system will send you an instant notification email from the student’s CAL instructor when your student shares a letter of accommodation with you. If a change is made to the accommodations for that student, you will receive another email from the student’s CAL instructor.

I am receiving letters from students in a course I teach but I receive an email and letter for both the lecture and the lab, seminar, or distance education section.  Why?

Clockwork treats each section of a course on its own:

  • in some programs where there is a lab and a lecture the instructors are different so the letters need to go to different people
  • some students choose to select only some of their approved accommodations for one section where they need more or all in another section due to differences in how barriers arise in relation to the required academic tasks -- the letters of accommoation attached to each reflect these differences

I receieved an email notifying me a student shared a letter with me but now that letter no longer shows in the portal.  Why?

You can assume the student dropped the course however it is best to consult the myCamosun record for the student to be sure.

 I co-teach a course, what happens if my colleague logs in and confirms a student's letter of accommodation?

Once a letter of accommodation has been read and confirmed by any course instructor responsible for teaching the course, the status is set to "confirmed" in the system.  If this happens and you have questions on how to coordinate accommodations for your student, please reach out to your teaching colleague.

Why are the letters of accommodation no longer attached to the email notice as a PDF?

Clockwork provides a more secure, simplified and confidential way of communicating and reviewing a student’s accommodations. When you log into Clockwork and view and confirm a student’s letter, you, the student and the CAL Instructor can see you have read the letter.

I teach two courses and one of my students who is enrolled in both shared a letter only for one course. Why?

There are a variety of reasons why a student might not share a letter for a particular course.

  • Some courses are designed in such a way that the experience is completely accessible to the student, so they choose to write with the class. Kudo’s to you!
  • Some students with chronic disabilities experience variation in symptoms, sometimes requiring accommodation, sometimes not.
  • Some students have disabilities that only present barriers in courses with specific material (e.g., a student with a disability in written expression may not struggle with math)

My student has shared the letter of accommodation with me but hasn’t booked the exam for next week at CAL.  What do I do?

There are a variety of reasons why a student might not book. 

  • Students with disabilities that are sporadic may not need to write with CAL when they are doing well.
  • Some courses are designed in such a way that the experience is completely accessible to the student, so they choose to write with the class. Kudo’s to you!
  • The student may have missed the deadline.

You should also know that it is your student’s responsibility to make arrangements to write exams at the CAL.